The Day my Dad Arrives
Project Type : 2D Animated Short film
Direction and Animation : Sreeram J
Mentor : Shaaz Ahmed
Project Type : 2D Animated Short film
Direction and Animation : Sreeram J
Mentor : Shaaz Ahmed
Project Type : 2D Animated Short film
Direction and Animation : Sreeram J
Mentor : Shaaz Ahmed
Language : Malayalam
Music and Sound design : Deekshit B
The Day My Dad Arrives is an animated film that portrays the lives of a Kerala-based family with a father working as a Gulf migrant worker. The film revolves around their heartfelt journey, marked by the anticipation and longing for the father’s return.
It was a 4 month project in which the first two where spent in research, and making of the story and story boards and the last two for animation and an extra 15 days was taken for the music and sound design.